DIY Meditation Cushion: The Cushion Chronicles

Ah, yeah the DIY Meditation cushion guide we´ve all been waiting for! A meditation cushion, or ¨zafu¨ pillow, is a simple pillow that is used to elevate your hips above your knees during meditation. It makes it simpler to place your feet in all the different ways that’ll make you look like a pretzel.

It´s also ergonomic. This is good!

Have you looked into getting a zafu cushion? They can be expensive! But maybe you are more interested in doing it yourself to expand your creative knowledge? Maybe you want to save some money? Heck yeah, you do! Or perhaps you are simply intending to slight the corporate empire that is reigning down upon us? I get it.

Yeah, yeah – I may be utilizing a corporate empire to create an income here around something I love; this is true. I believe though, that it is necessary to accept how things are and to utilize what is available around you to gain the resources you need to implement real, positive change.

So let´s get after it. Let´s make a zafu meditation cushion!

DIY Meditation Cushion

The Things You Will Desire to Acquire:

There are a few things you will need to be able to create the meditation cushion. A meditation cushion is one of many useful items you can use for meditation. When it comes down to making one you really just need some sort of fabric and stuffing to create the pillow. And some capability in sewing! Let’s get into some details of what you will need:

  • Organic Buckwheat Hulls – there are many options you could use for your meditation pillow. The reason we recommend buckwheat is because the cushion will easily mold and shape to your body when you sit. This is because the buckwheat hulls have irregular edges that grab easily to each other to maintain shape without sagging.
  • Fabric – Next you will want to acquire fabric. It will largely be up to you what you will choose. Just keep in mind that you will need a strip of fabric that is 59 inches long and also two pieces of fabric that can be up to 13 inches in diameter.
  • A needle and thread / Sewing machine – It is possible to hand-sew the entire thing, of course. A sewing machine will simply make it faster. And perhaps less frustrating!
  • A ruler or tape measure
  • Scissors – to cut the fabric

Sewing Your Cushion

Now that you have everything you need we can move into sewing your meditation cushion together. You may consider choosing specific, intentional colors or designs that are most conducive to your personal energy. Delving into the different meanings behind the colors of mala beads or sacred geometry to discover designs that vibe with your frequency can really…well…improve your experience.

Step 1: Cut Three Pieces

A zafu meditation cushion is made up of 3 pieces. You will cut a 59-inch strip of fabric that is 6 to 9 inches wide. Decide on the width based on how tall you want the cushion to stand. This part of the fabric will be the siding of your cushion.

Next, you will cut 2 circular pieces of fabric. Feel free to get creative and mix different designs of fabric here! The 2 circular pieces of fabric will be 11 to 13 inches in diameter. Just make sure that they are both the same size! You can also use a pan here to trace the circular shape onto the fabric before cutting it.

Step 2: Pleat it, Please

Now, we are going to get the 59-inch strip of fabric setup with pleats. A pleat is simply a fold in fabric that is sewn together. Don´t worry, we will get there 😉

Starting from the left end of the fabric you will measure in 6.5 inches. Then draw 3 marks that are 3/4ths of an inch apart from each other. Then measure 3 inches from the 3rd mark and make another 3 marks, also 3/4ths of an inch apart from each other. Continue this pattern all down your fabric. These marks will indicate where you are going to fold and pin the strip of fabric.

You can check out the video above to see a visual representation of what I’m talking about if it seems confusing here.

You will want to mark the fabric on the “wrong” side of the fabric, or rather… the inside of the fabric.

Now, fold your pleats so that the 1st and 3rd marks of each set are overlapping with each other. Do this all the way down the fabric. Here you will want to use pins in each pleat to hold the fold in place temporarily. It is also good to iron the fabric down to get the folds as flat as possible!

Step 3: Completed Pleats

Now, you will want to sew the fabric along the top and the bottom so the pleats are sewed in. This will leave you with the long, pleated piece of fabric that won’t come unfolded. Since you have it pinned you can use a sewing machine here. However, you can also sew it by hand if you wish!

Step 4: Assemble the Cushion

Next, you will want to take the pleated siding and pin it to the top and bottom pieces that we had cut out earlier. It will look kind of boxy at first, but don’t worry. The cushion will come to a more recognizable shape when we fill it with buckwheat hulls.

Keep the fabric inside out when you are pinning it to the top and bottom. The entire cushion should be inside out – this makes it easier to pin and keeps the parts of the thread inside of the cushion for aesthetic purposes. When you are finished pinning the side to the top and bottom you will then sew the siding permanently into place.

There should be a piece of the siding that is overlapping. This is o.k – this is the opening we will use to fill the cushion with buckwheat hulls.

Step 5: Flip and Fill

Now, flip the fabric inside out. Stuff your fabric full of buckwheat hulls and then just sew the opening shut! Voila! You can also sew in a zipper if you’d like to access the cushion to remove or add more buckwheat hulls. This is sometimes a good idea so that you can make the cushion firmer or softer as you find what level of firmness is best for you.

Cushy Cushion

Now you have your new, cushy DIY meditation cushion! Congratulations! Meditation cushions are hands-down the #1 item I recommend to vastly improve your consistency in meditation. If you are just beginning in meditation I would also check out our Beginner’s Meditation Handbook to help guide you on where to start with meditation.

I hope you enjoyed creating your meditation cushion! Creation is a vital key to happiness, I do believe. Enjoy picking out your fabric! And make sure to get those buckwheat hulls! You’ll find them mold to your bottom much more naturally than any other kind of filler.

That’s it! Keep it cushy and meditate well, my friends.

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