Chakra Meditation: Everything You Should Know

Diving into the world of chakra meditation will begin guiding you through an enlightening journey of understanding yourself. Are you interested in learning how to meditate to unlock and empower each of your 7 chakras? Perhaps you’re looking for more details on your chakras so you have a better understanding of them? Maybe you’re not sure which chakra you need to focus the most energy into?

I will help you through understanding each individual chakra and finding out which one in your life needs the most attention and love in this moment. We will also work how to meditate most effectively to try and keep our chakras flowing in perfect unison.

chakra meditation

Chakras were first talked about in the ancient Indian text, the Vedas, which was a multitude of scriptures that spoke of not only chakras but also of mindfulness, meditation, and yoga practice. The chakras of the body are believed to be the sacred centers and meeting points of the spiritual energy within us.

There are 7 main chakras that run from the base of your spine to the top. Starting from the bottom these are the root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, the third eye chakra, and finally, the crown chakra. Each of these chakras relates to a different aspect of your spiritual self and understanding the chakras can help with understanding ailments someone might be suffering in life, physically, mentally, or spiritually. As you continue, I will go into more detail with you about the chakras and how to meditate effectively to help unblock and open each of your 7 chakras.

The First Findings of Chakras

The oldest recordings that have been found that wrote of chakras is the ancient religious texts written in India called the Vedas. The Vedas are a collection of texts that include public worship chants, prayers, mythological stories, poems, and sacred healing formulas that are still used within Ayurvedic practice in India today.

The Sanskrit origin of the word chakra itself means ¨wheel¨ and was originally spelled cakra but pronounced as sha-kra. The practice and understanding of chakras were passed down generationally by the Aryan peoples.

Rising Popularity in the West

Many eastern practices like meditation, yoga, and chakras have all become very popular in western society in recent history. I myself began 7 years ago by researching Buddhism online and applying what I had learned through practice while living in an apartment on the outskirts of a city in Idaho.

Chakras are said to be envisioned by clairvoyant sight as vortexes of light and spinning discs. I would recommend to not try and make them anything in particular when you are visualizing them. I would personally see a gold medallion with 7 discs encased in it and each disc would spin freely as water flowed voluptuously through the medallion. Whereas my friend would visualize her chakras as an old water wheel!

The original and authentic qualities and characteristics of each individual chakra or even a complete list of chakras can be challenging, similar to the origin and meanings behind Buddhist mala beads. Although parts of meditation and yogic practice have been ¨westernized¨ we can still appreciate the fact that the practice has persisted and grown within the global community and throughout time.

The westernization doesn´t pull away from the authenticity or effectiveness of the practice, it is more the idea of this global consuming machine eating at the hottest new trend. But I believe as humanity continues to evolve and grow and we share openly in our practice we should find that healthy, constructive change as a whole will begin to occur.

Aromatherapy and Chakra Meditation

Aromatherapy combined with chakra meditation isn´t authentically from the scripts of the Vedas or any Sanskrit scripture regarding chakras. However, aromatherapy has been shown to relieve pain and stress by engaging the senses of touch and smell. The sensory stimulations promote hormone production and different chemicals to be released in your brain.

So it´s not surprising that aromatherapy has grown in popularity in combination with activating and balancing your chakras. Many people like to use essential oils with their meditation but you can also use non-toxic scented candles if you prefer or whatever incense sticks you like the most.

If you go with essential oils you may like to know there are different essential oils for each chakra that you can use for the most desired effect! As we dive into understanding chakras you will begin to more understand which of your chakras you will want to give the most focus and energy into!

Understanding Your Chakras

Today, the 7 chakra system is idealized as the westernized or a Euro-American influenced version of the chakras. Factually, there are many different chakra systems that exist in ancient Sanskrit text like the expanded 12 chakra system.

Essentially, if you are interested in understanding chakras in their entirety there are many different ways to approach it. If you wish to trace back the origin of the practice back to the Vedas by learning to read Sanskrit you are certainly more than welcome to. Though, I feel that there is something to be said about needing to let go of what was and allow us space to move forward and grow and evolve.

The globally accepted 7 chakra system, to me, has made itself known to the world through the ancient dusty scripts of Time. It can also be viewed as a basic or beginners version of the chakras system. I find this to be good reason to believe in the practice and it will also create a perfect gateway for you to enter into the vast world of chakras as we explore it together.

I will also provide a guided meditation video through each individual chakra so that you may work through from the root chakra to the crown chakra as necessary. This will give you everything you need to fully balance your chakra system in one convenient place!

Muladhara – The Root Chakra

The root chakra is located at the base of your spine and is the bottom of the chakra totem beginning at your ¨pelvic floor¨. It is represented by the color red and the element of earth. Meditating with stones like garnet, red jasper, black tourmaline, and Bloodstone can be effective in opening up your root chakra.

Connecting with your root chakra will keep you closely connected to this material reality that we call real. It is related to your sense of security and safety within this material realm.

This includes basic needs like food, water, shelter, etc. It is interesting to note that this is similar to the basic needs required in Maslow´s Hierarchy of Needs and will remain similar to each other as we continue up the chakra totem. Maslow´s Hierarchy is probably considered a more logical approach to the same concept as chakras of balancing yourself and maximizing your full potential through self-actualization/enlightenment.

There is even an expanded version of Maslow´s hierarchy which is called ¨Transcendance¨ and involves helping others reach self-actualization. This is the same within the world of meditation practice. The one who becomes enlightened becomes a teacher to bring the gift to others.

The symbol of the root chakra, Muladhara, is a four-petaled lotus flower made by a circle with a downward pointing triangle. The downward pointing triangle is to represent the spirit connecting with the material realm, grounding us.

The word, Muladhara, is broken into two parts in Sanskrit. ¨Mula¨ means root and ¨Adhara¨ means to support. It is believed that strengthening and building up your foundational root chakra provides a strong means of support to open up and activate the above chakras. Even the most beautiful flower starts as a seed and must first grow its roots.

Imbalanced Root Chakra

An imbalanced root chakra could potentially be the most dangerous to your survival. It would be similar to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The foundation was set imbalanced so now the whole tower is leaning off-center. (I understand that this one technically worked out but remember – it is the ONLY Leaning Tower of Pisa.)

Minor imbalances to the chakra can include anxiety and worry and fear about the future and issues with sleeping at night, including nightmares. You may find issues with eating and digesting properly including eating disorders that may be ongoing or new.

Essentially, your consciousness is freaking out because it can feel the physical reality shifting and changing out of your favor. This is happening even though, in reality, nothing is currently happening.

Extreme imbalances of the root chakra are basically an extreme version of the minor imbalances. This is the point where the anxieties and worries of the consciousness have come true because there was no change made to redirect course. This includes being homeless, starvation, dehydration, and exposure in general.

Meditating on Your Root Chakra

To focus on and unblock your root chakra you will want to begin by sitting in the meditation pose that is most comfortable for you.

If you are just starting in meditation and unsure of how to sit properly you can check out our Beginner´s Meditation Guide to help guide you through authentic sitting postures and meditation practice. To give you the short version on your posture, you can sit in any way that is most comfortable to you, you can even lie down if you want! Just don´t fall asleep!

It is ideal to begin sitting with a meditation cushion or chair that provides you with ergonomic support while your meditating so you don´t injure yourself in the long-term. Once you find yourself in a comfortable sitting position you will simply want to begin breathing naturally and focus in on where your root chakra is located, at your pelvic floor, and feed it attention.

You can choose to either meditate in silence or to use a mantra while focusing on your root chakra. As a suggestion you could use the mantra:

¨I am sturdy, I am strong, I am at peace¨

You can follow along with this guided meditation to have a teacher help guide you through your first root chakra meditation experience:

Svadhisthana – The Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is related to your creativity, sensuality, and your emotions as a whole. It is referred to as Svadhisthana in Sanskrit which means ¨your own place¨. It is located above your pubic bone and below your navel area, resting above the root chakra and encompassing the genital region of your body.

The sacral chakra represents the expression of our deepest fantasies and desires, particularly our sensual and sexual desires. It also largely related to the natural flow of things. You could say the sacral chakra revolves around a center point of what we interpret as pleasure. It can be useful to meditate with gemstones like amber, orange calcite, or carnelian when focusing on your sacral chakra.

It is generally represented by the color orange while the symbol is a circle with a 6 petaled lotus flower and a crescent moon. The circle represents the element of water, the element of the chakra, and the moon is meant to symbolize the relationship between the moon and the water.

Becoming in touch with your sacral chakra will bring an abundance of new appreciation towards the sensations of Life. You will find yourself being able to flow more confidently while you create. When the sacral chakra is fully open and active you will be able to feel the world around you through each one of your senses.

Imbalanced Sacral Chakra

When your sacral chakra is imbalanced you may feel like the world around you is not naturally providing a nurturing or pleasurable experience. This can lead to becoming dependant on other people for pleasure or indulging in a substance that simulates the experience of pleasure.

You may be unable to make rational decisions and instead, allow yourself to be worked up into an emotional state. Feelings of disenchantment with life, sexual dissatisfaction, or feeling in a rut are all signs of the sacral chakra being imbalanced.

Meditating on Your Sacral Chakra

The first step to having a happy, balanced sacral chakra is to maintain healthy sexual relationships in your personal life. Refrain from lying and cheating on your partner. These negative behaviors will weaken the foundation of your relationship or the root chakra of your relationship, and it will ultimately crumble leaving you and your sacral chakra damaged and alone.

To move into the practical side of meditating on your sacral chakra you will again want to sit in a position that is most comfortable for you. It is best to sit in a cross-legged position if you can. These meditation chairs with back support work great if you need additional back support to be able to sit properly and still be comfortable. Some people also prefer the kneeling position of a seiza bench as opposed to sitting cross-legged altogether.

As you sit, close your eyes and allow your breath to enter and exit your lungs naturally, without effort. Do this for a few moments and then turn your attention towards your sacral chakra, above the pubic bone, below the navel. Here you can choose to use a mantra to meditate on your sacral chakra or you can sit in silence while focusing on unblocking your chakra.

It is really about what you find most effective for you. If you find yourself getting frustrated while not using a mantra then try implementing a mantra to help calm the mind from undue worries and frustrations. An example of a mantra for your sacral chakra could be this:

¨I am free-flowing creativity¨

This video below will take you through a guided meditation of healing while focusing on your sacral chakra:

Manipura – The Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra, or Manipura, is related to your power of will, your mental strength, and your personal expression of Self. Manipura translates to English as ¨the lustrious gem.¨ The solar plexus chakra is most active when we are asserting ourselves out in the world to accomplish our goals and dreams. It is the feeling of being unstoppable.

The chakra is the 3rd chakra in the system of 7 and it rests in the solar plexus of your body or the area right above your belly where your diaphragm is. It is represented in the chakra totem by the color yellow and by the elements as fire.

The symbol is a circle with 10 lotus petals and a downward facing triangle drawn in the center which is there to represent transformation and the fire element. Tigerseye or Yellow topaz are useful stones to work with while working on your solar plexus chakra.

Clearing and opening the solar plexus chakra will bring you a strong sense of independence and confidence. It is related to you forming your own opinions and breaking free of your need for validation from others. You will grow in discipline and you will know strong will, clarity of judgment, and freedom of expression.

Imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra

This chakra is essentially where we develop our sense of Self from. Blockages to this chakra can create a dangerously unstable and emotional spirit. Common signs of having a block here can include feeling low about yourself or just simply feeling depressed.

You might find that people are able to control you and get you to do what you want without you really being able to resist. Other symptoms can be anxious, dependent, or unable to control yourself around people or substances.

There are physical symptoms that can be associated with the chakras but all physical symptoms stem from the mind. It begins with a thought, which leads to an action, which leads to a habit. If you develop a negative habit to cope with these other psychosomatic tendencies relating to an imbalanced solar plexus chakra then you will ultimately develop the physical ailment to go along with it.

Freeing the mind and spirit of disease and worry will also free the body.

Meditating on Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Wrap yourself in your favorite meditation shawl or blanket and sit in your preferred sitting position to begin meditation. Release control and allow your breath to flow naturally in and out of your body. Do not breath in more or less. Just allow the breath to naturally come in and out of your body.

Then, turn your attention inwards towards your solar plexus chakra that is located above the belly and at the bottom of your lungs. You can engage in mantra meditation or in silence as with the others. With the solar plexus chakra, it can be effective to use visualization while meditating.

You can envision yourself taking that big life-changing action, or making that crazy decision, or anything that you are trying to accomplish you can visualize and feel what it feels like to achieve it. It is powerful! There is modern science that is validating and confirming visualization as an effective and genuine tool for achieving your goals.

Some say it works because your mind cannot tell the difference between imagination and reality and will simply begin to manifest your visualization because the mind believes it to be true.

If you choose to use a mantra for the solar plexus it may be most effective to develop a mantra around your goals. I prefer to state my goals as affirmations or as if they are already completed. For example, if your goal is to become more disciplined you may choose to use the mantra:

¨I am disciplined¨

Or you can use any other goal in place of that, of course. There is also the next step in the videos so you may follow through with the guided meditation as well to guide you through the experience:

Anahata – The Heart Chakra

Anahata, the heart chakra, is the chakra associated with compassion, affection, and love. The Sanskrit translation of Anahata means ¨Unstruck¨ or ¨Unbeaten¨ giving the implication of immense fortitude within the heart. The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest and is the 4th chakra of the 7.

The heart chakra is represented by the color of emerald green and is associated with the element of air. It can strengthen the heart chakra to meditate with stones like emerald, malachite, or jade. The symbol for the heart chakra is a circle with 12 lotus petals and a downward facing triangle interlaced with an upward facing triangle in the center.

The triangles symbolize the element of air and also the union of opposites. Male and female. Spirit and matter. The star that they form symbolizes the harmony that this union creates.

Activating and opening the heart chakra will assist you in weaving love throughout your life. Love is the ultimate healing force and some say the beginning of all creation. It has been said that if everything was stripped away, this entire reality stripped away into nothingness, that only Love would remain.

The heart chakra resonates on the frequency of Love and enlivens you and teaches you to express unconditional love towards yourself and to others. You will cultivate a strong sense of respect for your fellow humans and be able to connect deeply and truly with people.

Imbalanced Heart Chakra

An imbalanced heart chakra is going to most strongly affect those that are closest to you. These are your intimate relationships, perhaps your children. You may find yourself withdrawn and isolated, or lashing out in anger, becoming critical of yourself and others, and being withdrawn…not really present.

If the heart chakra remains agitated and distressed the external repercussions can be seen in the form of co-dependency, neglection of yourself, lost sense of self, and giving in without any resistance. As the heart chakra loses its vibrational frequency you will find yourself losing your willpower and your motivation as it begins to affect your solar plexus chakra and all the rest of the chakras.

To fix this we just need to take time. Time to focus on yourself and to focus inward on your heart.  

Meditating on Your Heart Chakra

To balance your heart chakra there are different meditations you can use to open the heart chakra. Sometimes I feel it is simpler to focus your attention on the area of your body where the chakra is located while we remain mindful, or chant a mantra when you are beginning. As you progress if you desire to explore different styles of meditation with more visualization oriented techniques they are certainly available and I would encourage you to follow that desire if it is present.

Now, you will want to again sit down on your meditation seat in the posture that is most comfortable for you. Again, focus on your breathing. Allow it to naturally flow in and out of your body. Do not add or lessen the force behind your breath. Just breathe.

Then, you may wish to use a mantra or silent mindfulness. For Anahata, the idea of unconditional Love is cohesive with giving unconditionally without expectations. Giving yourself fully. To inherit this understanding simply repeat the mantra:

¨I give and so I recieve¨

You can also utilize the next guided meditation video for the heart chakra below:

Vishuddha – The Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is the 5th chakra of the 7 and is located at the center of the neck, where your throat is! Naturally, this chakra is related to verbal expression and communication. The name for the throat chakra in Sanskrit, Vishuddha, is translated to ¨pure¨.

It is associated with the element of ether, or space. The throat chakra is said to be the space in your throat in which profound spiritual truths may flow. It is represented by the color blue and you could use the stones sapphire, lapus lazuli, aquamarine, and turquoise while meditating on your throat chakra.

The symbol of the throat chakra is represented by a circle with 16 lotus petals. It is usually represented with a larger circle encompassing a downward facing triangle that has an even smaller circle inside the triangle. The symbol is meant to represent purity and the expression of cosmic sound.

Opening up your throat chakra will bring you an easier ability to speak out in groups and to speak Truth. You will find it easier to navigate the sometimes complicated nebulas of human interaction and still be able to clearly express your point. And also be understood!

Focusing on your throat chakra will help you utilize the power of your words to manifest and co-create your reality with those around you in a positive fashion.

Imbalanced Throat Chakra

When your throat chakra is imbalanced or experiencing a block you can find that you will be having a harder time expressing yourself. You might feel it when you feel the desire to speak up and say something but remain silent and think twice about it. Sometimes we are even tricked by ourselves by a situation happening later that proves to us that it was better to stay silent.

And we go ¨Ahhh I made the right decision.¨

But you never actually knew what the other reality would´ve have been if you had actually spoken up at that moment. Perhaps a different trail of events would have been triggered that would have moved you in a different direction for a moment, a minute, or a day. Or it could change your life entirely.

And these moments are happening constantly! And quickly! Meeting one person can change your life forever. So speak up! Express yourself!

If you find yourself inhibited creatively, or shy and anxious, socially reclused, and just feel detached and silent then it is probably time to focus in on your throat chakra.

Meditating on Your Throat Chakra

To meditate on your throat chakra, sit again in your preferred sitting posture on your chosen meditation seat. Breathe in deeply and allow your breath to go in and out of your body, freely and without control. Focus in on your throat area where your throat chakra is located. You may choose to meditate silently or to use a mantra.

If you choose to use a mantra you may want to have it be based off of your words. ¨My words are _______.¨ Gifts, nurturing, blessings. Whatever it is you wish your words to be, say it.

¨My words are seeds.¨

You may also follow along with the throat chakra edition guided meditation video:

Ajna – The Third Eye Chakra

The location of your third eye chakra is located right between the eyebrows on your forehead. Even with your eyes open and aware, you may be able to sense a verrry subtle sensation on this area of your brow when your focus in on it. If not, that is ok. As you work consistently and diligently it will grow stronger.

The color that represents the third eye is the color indigo and is represented by what´s called the ¨supreme element¨. This is basically every element known and unknown combined into their absolute pure form. Good gemstones to meditate on this chakra with can be amethyst, lapus lazuli, and azurite.

The symbol of the third eye chakra consists of a circle with 2 lotus petals. Inside is a downward facing triangle with the Om symbol in the center. Om is said to be the sound of the Universe. To understand that statement fully you might think of the sound of a guitar. The guitar makes that sound. Om is the sound the universe makes.

The Sanskrit word, Ajna, translates to ¨perceiving¨ or ¨command¨. The third eye could be interpreted as your subconscious sense or your 6th sense. It is that feeling when you know someone is behind you or when you pick up your phone to call your friend you haven´t talked to in 6 months and … oh. She´s calling now.

Working with the third eye chakra will sharpen your perception and improve your effectiveness with self-reflection and growth. As we focus inwardly to connect our subconscious with our conscious mind we find flaws and patterns that simply won’t work. So we change them. And thus, we evolve.

The third eye chakra primarily represents wisdom, intuition, self-reflection, vision, logic & creativity. Do you notice a trend? It is understanding. Understanding, understanding, understanding.

Imbalanced Third Eye Chakra

If you are concerned that your third eye chakra is imbalanced then you will want to reflect on how you have been living. If you find your mind is too agitated to do that, you may be experiencing an imbalance. Self-reflection is a key aspect to the third eye chakra and I will sometimes find my mind is too agitated and active for me to desire meditation.

This is the most important time to meditate.

Other symptoms that may arise include anxiety, lack of clarity or mental fogginess, feeling overwhelmed, being condescending, or getting lost constantly in daydreams. This can mean that your chakra is overactive and agitated.

With an imbalanced third eye chakra, you may also find it difficult to concentrate for any length of time or just feel disconnected in general. Maybe you´re afraid of the unknown. Many people are and it is why they stay in a 9-5 job that they hate. Security.

I have nothing against the desire for security, but I have personally found that as you increase the security in your life you equally decrease the opportunity in your life. They work in tandem with each other. I was told once ¨You can either be afraid of the unknown, or you can be excited about it. And I choose to be excited about it!¨

Meditating on Your Third Eye Chakra

If you find that you need to clear your third eye chakra of blockage you will again sit. You may have noticed a trend that the meditations are all the same for each chakra just with a different intention. This is because the chakra only needs your attention, your love, your focus, your energy, passion, and patience to grow and unblock. I suppose these are a lot of things. And there are more if you really want to get into it.


Sit. Wrap yourself in your shawl or blanket and breath in. Breathe until the breath is natural, however long this takes. Then focus in between the eyebrows where your third eye chakra is located. If you noticed a sensation earlier you may feel it grow stronger. Or you may not. Either is ok.

Focus in and meditate silently or with a mantra. A mantra you may choose to use while working with your third eye chakra:

¨I understand.¨

And then below is the edition of the third eye chakra guided meditation if you are following along with the videos:

Sahasrara – The Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located at the exact top of your head and is responsible for connecting us and evolving us outside of our own stale human perspectives. It is essentially a concept that is beyond words because it is currently beyond us. The crown chakra represents the path into the Unknown that we are walking.

The Sanskrit word Sahasrara is translated to English as ¨A Thousand Petals¨. The chakra is represented by the element of ¨thought¨. It is connection to spirit, universal consciousness, wisdom, self-knowledge, unity, and enlightenment. The color that represents your crown chakra is violet or white and the crown chakra is also deeply connected to the Om mantra.

The symbol of the crown chakra is inscribed as a circle with a thousand petals. The petals are usually multicolored and the circle is sometimes compared to a full moon. Some gemstones you may consider holding or wearing while meditating on your crown chakra would be amethyst, selenite, and sugilite.

The crown chakra is what will connect you with all that is spirit, consciousness, and everything that is sacred. There was a shaman who once wrote ¨When you see that everything is sacred, you are understanding.”

The more you work with and meditate on your crown chakra with all the 6 other chakras in balance the more you will come to understand the concept of universal consciousness. As you grow and evolve in understanding you will find yourself more present and aware within your reality. You will find more pleasure in living your day as you bridge your connection with the unknown and awaken your crown chakra.

Imbalanced Crown Chakra

You may notice an imbalance in your crown chakra if you find yourself feeling cynical towards things of a spiritual or sacred nature. An overactive crown chakra can lead you towards being lost in your own head within the world of spirit. If you find yourself lost in your head and obsessed over all these ¨spiritual synchronicities¨ that begin occurring constantly it may be due to overactivity.

If you find yourself here I have found that grounding myself and re-focusing on my root chakra to return my presence to this current moment and to the earthly matter around me always helps bring me back to my center. On top of all this, you may just find yourself being close-minded and stubborn and unwilling to hear out peoples stories or perspectives.

At this point, it is time to meditate.

Meditating on Your Crown Chakra

For the 7th chakra in your chakra system, you will find yourself in a sitting meditative position once again. Make yourself comfortable and allow your breath to flow. Let it flow naturally and do not attempt to manipulate it. Do not breath more or less. Just breathe.

Then focus in on the top of your head where your crown chakra is located. If you choose to use a mantra while meditating on your crown chakra you may choose the mantra:

¨I surrender to the Great and Divine beings that seek to emerge through me.¨

Finally, you may also follow with the final video of the guided meditation series for the crown chakra:

Boom Chakra Lakka!

That’s it for chakra meditation! You can return to this resource whenever you need to as you progress further along and advance with each chakra. And now you have a deeper, clearer and more profound understanding of where chakra meditation comes from, what it is, and how to do it! You also have everything you need to continue as far as you wish on your path of chakra meditation. Enjoy the steps of your journey and meditate well, my friends!

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